Teluk Intan my new baby aro
my new baby aro
hi all shifu. just wanna share a few pictures of my new baby aro.dont know what breed is it, because just wanted to get a simple one to learn, before going for the big games like XBs/RTGs.
really eager to get my first XB/RTG in time to come!!!!
any +/- comments are welcomed!!!
if you have any idea what breed is this you are also welcome to share.
i am just glad that i found this lil chap that eat everything from pellets to livefeed,MW and roaches haha
Very cute but too bad Im also a newbie, cant tell what breed is it
>Bro, hope you dont mind me asking.. where did you get this piece?
Doesnt the cert state what breed it is?
Cheers mate..!!
>Discussion of untagged asia arowana here is not encouraged and not to mention owning one is considered illegal in singapore. Do note that local pet forums are always been visited by relevant authorities.
>Cute little fellow yet looks so serious,
To what I learnt from various hobbyists, smaller fish is harder to take care due to sensitivity to change in water parameter. My humble opinion is that you monitor your water parameter regularly.
>looks cute
Hmm just guessing... is it red or yellow tail?
wah so small eat croak-roaches already?
>Originally Posted by KongSK Cute little fellow yet looks so serious,
To what I learnt from various hobbyists, smaller fish is harder to take care due to sensitivity to change in water parameter. My humble opinion is that you monitor your water parameter regularly. Not just that. Young fish like this are still very fragile due to the fact that their internal organs are still in the developing state thus need more care.
>Originally Posted by koji™ Not just that. Young fish like this are still very fragile due to the fact that their internal organs are still in the developing state thus need more care. Thanks for sharing additional info in order for myself to learn and TS to be aware of, bro.
>Originally Posted by Gordy looks cute
Hmm just guessing... is it red or yellow tail?
wah so small eat croak-roaches already? Yeah. Small roaches though. But mainly what I feed is hikari foodsticks and feeder guppies. Water parameters are maintained properly with weekly 20% water change
>Bro, another option is frozen Bloodworm.
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