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Teluk Intan Joo Chiat business owners despair over vice

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Teluk Intan Joo Chiat business owners despair over vice


Joo Chiat business owners despair over vice

Joo Chiat business owners despair over vice
Shin Min Daily News
Hookers are now making Joo Chiat "more Geylang than Geylang".
Business owners in the area are complaining that business has fallen by 30% due to the hookers in the streets.
In a letter to media, business owners in Joo Chiat urge the authorities to curb the vice in the area.
Co-written by "a group of despairing business owners", the letter decried that Joo Chiat was originally slated to be developed into a food-street of delicacies but has since become a hotspot for prostitutes.
The business owners lament, "Hookers in revealing clothes are opening flirting with men in the streets. Many of the men even fight over the hookers on a frequent basis."
Reporters paid a visit to Joo Chiat to understand the situation better.
The owners of a restaurant in the area, Mr and Mrs Chen, told reporters that many hookers will stand in the streets every night from 8pm. Some will even loiter near their restaurant entrance.
As a result, business has been falling for the last four months. The number of hookers, many of them Vietnamese, has also been steadily increasing.
Mr Hong (age 41), the owner of another restaurant nearby, said that their customers are mainly families, but many have been avoiding the area due to the presence of the hookers.
A resident in the Joo Chiat area, Mdm Hong (age 60), echoed similar views. Her family now avoids the area, especially in the evenings, as they are concerned for their safety.
Source: Shin Min Daily News, 27 October 2011. Click
Where are the Police????
Is this true?
Let me go and take a look tonight.
>Originally Posted by 75evaD Is this true?
Let me go and take a look tonight. Wow!!!! U go and take a look, but refuse to leave that place ar??? Got Video clip or Pics boh???
>I saw one rear view... looks like yours... but gone before I can catch up... Madurai Aquarium

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